Our animals:
Family: Pteropodidae
Order: Chiroptera
Class: mammals


12 cm


165-170 g

Nutrition: Its menu consists of fruits only, especially sweet fruits. It is in need of this nutrition with high-energy content, because active flying consumes extremely high amount of energy. Reproduction: The Egyptian fruit bat’s gestation lasts for only 4 months. Usually only one progeny is born; in case there are two progenies, it is almost sure that the one of them dies quickly. When calving, the mother makes a cradle from the back part of its body and from the skin flap connected to it. Soon after its birth, the kid itself has to cling on to its mother. Did you know? Sometimes They live in huge colonies, even a group of 9.000 has been observed in one place. It is well known that bats navigate themselves using ultrasound-radar. Science refers to such orientation as echolocation, which is based on the fact that the animal measures its environment based on the echo of its own cries. This is the only species of megabats that occurs in Europe. Watch it! Bats straddle their legs during flying to stretch their fan-tail. Habitat: Daytime it can be found in a larger crack in cliffs or in caves. At night They infest the surrounding fruit plants in dense swarms. Spread: Africa, Middle East


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