Our animals:
Family: Cervidae
Order: Artiodactyla
Class: mammals


125-165 cm


63-103 kg / 29-54 kg

Nutrition: grasses, herbaceous plants (herbs) Reproduction: Gestation lasts for about 229-240 days Did you know? The rutting of fallow deer differs from that of red deer. Red deer occupy harems and protect them against competing bulls. Fallow deer also rut, but these fights are not as serious as in case of red deer. Fallow deer rut between the beginning of October and mid-November, about a month later than red deer. Fallow deer give a special, guttural sound in the mating period and They scratch special hollows, which can be regarded as rutting microterritory. Watch it! On puce background, white dots in rows can be found on the fur of both males and females. It occurs in a wide variety ranging from light forms to the completely white figures. Dark brown specimens can be found mainly among the fallow deer kept in wildlife parks. During summer the coat is thin and smooth. In winter the crown (top of the head), the neck and the ears become brownish-grey, the back becomes blackish and its fur is thick and rough. Habitat: It lives in forests and in forest edges, in scrubs Spread: Europe, Asia Minor


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