Our animals:
Family: Pythonidae
Order: Squamata
Class: reptiles


90-150 cm


2-5 kg

Nutrition: it consumes almost exclusively rodents Reproduction: The female lays 4-10 eggs, after broods for 2-3 months Did you know? This is a small boidae. This is the smallest of the African pythons. During the dry season, by day They live in caves carved out by mammals. It has a very poor sight, it relies on the heat-sensing organ on its mouth. Its characteristic defence method is to curl up like a ball, and places its head and tail between the rings. When python is in this stage, They can be pushed or rolled, hence the name (ball python). It is a quite peaceful, shy animal which characteristic is to be proved by its usual behavioural manifestation. Watch it! It is typically patterned with yellow oval spots on brown base. This small python has stumpy appearance, stronger muscles and harder, scaly skin than other members of the family. Habitat: Savannahs Spread: West and Central Africa


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